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If you are looking for a terrific source for rustic, hand-made benches, tables, clothes racks, and candleholders, visit the country bench at https://www.thecountrybench.com

What can we do for you?

We offer every service…

from gift certificates, good for any of our services to intro flights, flight planning, Redbird simulator, flight training, aerial tours and lessons. And did you know we have a sister school at New Haven Tweed Airport?
And if you have a question and want an answer, check out Our Forum. Just register and ask away, or you can lurk and read the existing posts until you're ready to make your own! Check it out!

Flight Training

Introductory Flight - Meriden Aviation Center

Introductory Flight

The first step in the process of learning to fly is the introductory flight, your first time at the controls learning the basics.

Private Pilot License

Private Pilot License

We love aviation and have extensive experience. Our environment is casual and friendly, and we tailor your training to meet your needs, we even offer Complex Training.

Redbird LD

Redbird Training

We now offer Redbird Simulator Training. Come try our FAA approved the Redbird LD Advanced Aviation Training Device!

About Us - Meriden Aviation Center

About Us

Take a look at our video

Did You Know?

Give A Gift of Flight

We have gift certificates available!

gift certificates available

They are a great way to give the gift of flight. Gift cards are redeemable only at Meriden Aviation Center or our sister school, New Haven Aviation Center, and can be applied towards introductory flights, flight lessons or block time.
If you or someone you know is interested in purchasing a gift card for a friend, loved one or colleague you can use this form to purchase your Gift Certificate(s), now.
Once you complete the form you will pay via Clover (you can use any major credit/debit card), and then be returned here to print out your completed Certificates(s)! You can also opt to use PayPal to make your payment.

You will get a confirmation email with links to the pdf files automatically.

Our Gift Certificates are $280 each - for an hour of flight time.

If you enter the recipient's email address, the Certificates will be emailed to that recipient, and if you want to include special messages for them in the email, use this field! Leave the field blank if you want to deliver the Certificate(s) yourself!

If you are looking for a terrific source for rustic, hand-made benches, tables, clothes racks, and candleholders, visit the country bench at https://www.thecountrybench.com

When we look for a great way to get rid of old furniture, old equipment, household and other items, we turn first to Mecanica Estate Sales. An "estate sale", simply put, is a sale done for a client who needs to liquidate merchandise!
Meriden Aviation Center
Meriden Aviation Center